Include your website

  • You can send a maximum of 100 links per day;
  • The inclusion of illegal material imprório, offensive or racist is forbidden;
  • HTML tags are prohibited and will be deleted automatically during recording;

    Here are some important points to makes its new links really effective:

  • Be creative, Title and Descriptions different each inclusion are fundamental to obtain a good result;
  • Create multiple back links for each page of your site, not only for the home page;
  • Choose the correct Category;
  • Avoid text errors
  • Do not use special characters or unnecessary;
  • The Submitted Text only appear on our website after it has been confirmed through the link sent to the email address provided;

  • Accurately summarize the content of the page;
  • Use unique descriptions for each inclusion;
  • Avoid writing a description that has no relation to the content of the page;
  • Avoid using generic descriptions like "This is a webpage" or "Page about baseball cards";
  • Avoid filling the description with only keywords;
  • Avoid copying and pasting the entire contents of the document in the description meta tag;
  • Use of 25 to 30 words (characters 160-180);
  • The description must be relevant in relation to the contents of the site.

  • Your Data

    Full Name
    Email (will not be published)

    Category / website

    Date of Publication March 13, 2025
    Page URL

    Back Link Data

    Must be at least 20 and at most 100 characters
    Must be at least 50 and at most 500 characters
    HTML tags are not supported

